Pollution - a health hazard

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:17 PM

Pollution is the process of making air, water, soil etc dirty. It is a global problem. It poses a serious threat to the environment. Everywhere people seem to be suffering from lung diseases and skin allergies. Pollution in vehicles has become a matter of great concern to all of us. The smoke they send out makes people sick. This is one facet of pollution. There are other too like water pollution, sound pollution etc. The government and individuals should take steps to bring down pollution levels, lest all cities should soon become gas chambers. In order to check this, pollution control devices have to be employed. It is our duty to see it that the purity and sanctity of our surroundings are intact. A pollution free world should become our motto.

Hope you understood about what I'm talking.

Mutual support between man and women

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:17 PM

A woman is not inferior to man. In fact, men and women are complementary to one another. Both could lead a harmonious life, working as a team, and not as rivals. The place of modern women is certainly not in the kitchen. They have proved themselves, both physically and intellectually, equal to men, if not better.

So, Write your views on the complimentary role and mutual support between man and women.

Hope we have a great discussion.

What is true love

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:17 PM

Can any buddy tells me.
What are the true love?

Reply 1

Tears flow out of your eyes automatically and you will feel bit uncomfortable when the the person you love is in trouble and just praying for them whenever you pray .Never want to miss them and always want to be with them.Being loyal even though they are not with you and just having a thought about tham atleast once in an hour.
A person who truly loves will have all these symptoms with him.
True love never Fails.

Reply 2

One can experience true love only when there is a feeling of caring and sharing without thinking of your own personal benefits.

Reply 3

You can also see my resource,where I have posted something which may useful to many of us.Just have a look over it and give your valuable suggestions.

Reply 4

Love has direct relationship with heart. Feelings,emotions, faith, and confidence are the things which make this term in significance.

Love is great feeling and attraction towards aperson you are in love. You care for the person. You give him suggestion. You feel for him.

your heart only think about the person and you are damn in love with him.

Amit Siwach

College days are memorable

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:17 PM


Everybody are aware that college days are very memorable. Everyone will have lots of memories of college days.

Please share in your memorable memories below.

Reply 1


Yes you are right college days are memorable as these days are the best part of your life you have so much to do try new eating zones, new fashion, new friends,new events and lots of new thing of course study also.

In your college days you met so many person some of them become friends some become best friends and some become part of your life. I also met mu husband in my college days and we both miss that days when we are free from every worry.


Posted by Girish Patil | 10:10 PM

Definitely it is a boon. As we can connect to every one with the help of cellphone and it also provide great mobility. And the satellite Phone can be used any part of the world so it helps a lot in Military purpose.

The cell-phone novel is the first literary genre to emerge from the cellular age via text messaging to a website that collects the novels as a whole.In virtual online computer games, readers can put themselves into first person in the story. Cell phone novels create a personal space for each individual reader. Paul Levinson, in Information on the Move (2004), says "...nowadays, a writer can write just about as easily, anywhere, as a reader can read" and they are "not only personal but portable".

Health risks:

Because mobile phones emit electromagnetic radiation, concerns have been raised about cancer risks that may pose when used for long periods of time.This radiation is non-ionizing, but localized heating can occur. The current consensus view of the scientific and medical communities is that health effects are very unlikely to be caused by cellular phones or their base stations.
Cellular phones became widely available only relatively recently, while tumors can take decades to develop. For this reason, some health authorities have urged that the precautionary principle be observed, recommending that use and proximity to the head be minimized, especially by children.

Every invention take birth to produce some ill as well as some good impacts. With cellphone same things come.

They are good as to provide fast communication through out the world, whatever place we are. and what ever is the time. which certainly develop the medical, education, military, transporting, customer services and various other field.

But at the same time they have health hazards. the research has shown that max use of them reduce the mental ability, as the radiation come out of it, which can also cause disease like cancer. And several other likely to come. the mobile towers through out the cities decrease the flying birds all around. Also terrorist is misusing it.
people spend less time with family than using mobile. even there is no resriction over it, when you are on dining table or you are in temple. it has in certain extent also effect the family relationship negatively.

Invention occur when the need occur.

Mobile or cellphone are perhaps the most rapidlly covering the market because of its tremendous use.

Because of it we do not have any problem in contacting people while doing any type of work which may range from travelling to relaxing in our spa.

Mobile have covered those areas also where installation of telephone poles was not possible.

Now a days it is so easily available that no one bother about using a land line phone.

Global mobile connection has an acade advantage of it for the international travellers.

But researcher have showed that electromagnetic waves from it can harm brain cell badly and can even lead to mental retardation also.

It is also very harmful and can hamper the functioning of pacemakers.

The changing face of youth in India

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:10 PM

The changing face of youth in India

As the generation changes..everything changes...lifestyle, talking style, requirements, thinking style, views...everything...

In the same way youth of India is much more sensitive in any case...the young guns knows their life goal n the can do anything to achieve it more commonly...the face of India is changing because of the young power look at any field engineering, medical, defense, research...the young guys are making their own benchmark. even in politics. Rahul Gandhi has impressed whole India with his unique and creative ideas and thinking.
Talking about the traditions..yes these are now over ruled by this gen. but we have to accept the more effective changes at the cost of some traditional changes.


Girish Patil

Reply 1

I wish the young generation did not sacrifice good manners in their efforts to change! Whatever happened to 'please' and 'thank you' ?! They often tend to be rude towards elders and I have even seen youngsters jostling older people without so much as an apology. Even our cultural traditions are being ignored to be replaced by Westernised trends. More importance is given to Valentine's day, for example, for no reason.

Quote of the Day: A crystal-clear plan is waiting right there; just reach out and take it – it’s yours through prayer. ~Author Unknown

Reply 2

Young generation is definitely talented.This talent should be utilised in a proper way.Youth should concentrate on creative activities & not destructive activities.
Youth should follow good traditions & should not follow wrong traditions or wrong people. They should concentrate on studies, career 7 I am sure Indian youngsters will have a better future.

Reply 3

The most significant change in the youth of this generation is the assertiveness. They want to be their own, very individualist. They dare to look different, do different, just stand out. But at the end of the day, this leads to an unsustainable stress. Today's youth has shed the oriental mannerism up to some extent, but this is natural. They are now globe-trotters, they imbibe so many cultures, come across so many people around the world. We can not just ignore the tell-tale of today's youth. They just want to change the old stigma. They dream to make the impossible possible. They no more see politics - a dirty man's job. They want to cleanse the whole system. They take up social causes in never before attitude.
So, in all the young generation is moving in the right direction. Keep it up!

Reply 4

young generation are definitely talented.The talent of these people lye mainly in increased thinking capacity ,innovativeness ,assertiveness, goal oriented thinking.
today surely the personality of the youth has been increased to great heights but this is accompanied by bad ways of living
most IT workers are addicted to smoking,drinking ,lots of parties,

Most Important problem of today youth is HE spends what he gets
creating SAVINGS for Future are very rare and decreasing
for temporary benefits they overlook future problems.

culture is of western type is affecting our capability
So some positive points in Our yout will help them to move in a direction a whole happy life

Positive attitude in life

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:10 PM

You all must have heard that positive attitude makes every thing in our life positive. But do you know that it is positively proved in scientific studies and surveys.

Actually what happen is that positive attitude attract positive energy, it create an strong area of positivity around you which saves u from negative energy. And when you think negative then this oral become weak and negativity prevail in our life.

positive energy always help getting positive result.

so always think positive.

Girish Patil

Reply 1

Yes you are 100% sure. Positive thinking is very much important to our life. It totally changes our way of life. When we think positive it happens the same and when we in negative, it happens opposite. When we get positive mind, we can easily take our failures into step of our next victory and this is really the secret of life. Telling is easy, but bringing this aspect of thinking is much difficult in the situation.

Girish Patil,

Can you clear me a thing. I had many times felt like when I plan for something before, for example to do some work in the following days, it will surely end in negative. In this my thinking is not negative. Not only like this, in many situations I felt like when planning before it ends like nothing will happen. I heard this from many saying and advising not to plan before for anything, then it wont happen. Is it really true?

Reply 2

These are a few suggestions so that we have a more positive view of the world.
Steps for looking on the bright side of life.
Don’t listen to your mind’s negative thoughts. The nature of the human mind is to offer worries, anxieties and fears. However how often do these actually come true? The mind can easily exaggerate problems making them appear more serious than they actually are. Our thoughts are also very powerful and will determine our perception of the world
Look for good qualities in people. When dealing with other people, such as friends and families, it is often easy to see their numerous imperfections. If somebody has annoyed or upset you, just try to think of their good qualities. It is by focusing on people’s good qualities that we are able to make progress. When we bring people’s good attributes to the fore we make these qualities stronger and more powerful.
Happiness spreads. Your state of mind and attitude will undoubtedly effect other people. When you can look on the bright side of life you will definitely inspire others to do the same. This will encourage you to do the right thing, as facing a problem with the right attitude is not just good for you, but your friends and colleagues as well.

Reply 3

Yes you are right Shampa Ray Barman, but most of the times I myself had felt like negative thoughts occupying whole of mind than positive. For example when a good thing is to happen, my mind keep on says that it to happen in a wrong way. When riding I mostly feel that I will meet with accident that day. But the fact is nothing happens like that. Full of negativeness. Is it common or some psychological changes? Does it depends on the individual or something like as Girish said some negative energy?

Reply 4

Yes It depends on indivisual attitute,the way he/she think about any thing reflect in his/her behaviour.At some extend each of us have tendency to think negative in different situation.
But If any one has highly affected by negative thinking,they don't take initiative to do somethink and the level of energy he/she puts thats leads to success.
A positive thinking can change any ones life.If you think positive,will take every thing an opportunity,People like these type of person.Each day is new and special for them.
They believe
What One Man Can Do Another Can Do.
They never accept defeate in their Life.

Reply 5

i totally agree with you ,untill and unless you yourself will not belive of achieving something then how will others believe in you.
positive attitude,optimism,self confidence are things which are always talked about ,everyone knows about it but to actually have them is tough and that is the reason why majority is not successfull.


Positive thinking is very much important to our life. It totally changes our way of life. When we think positive it happens the same and when we in negative, it happens opposite. When we get positive mind, we can easily take our failures into step of our next victory and this is really the secret of life. Telling is easy, but bringing this aspect of thinking is much difficult in the situation.Don’t listen to your mind’s negative thoughts. The nature of the human mind is to offer worries, anxieties and fears. However how often do these actually come true? The mind can easily exaggerate problems making them appear more serious than they actually are. Our thoughts are also very powerful and will determine our perception of the world
Look for good qualities in people. When dealing with other people, such as friends and families, it is often easy to see their numerous imperfections. If somebody has annoyed or upset you, just try to think of their good qualities. It is by focusing on people’s good qualities that we are able to make progress. When we bring people’s good attributes to the fore we make these qualities stronger and more powerful.
Happiness spreads. Your state of mind and attitude will undoubtedly effect other people. When you can look on the bright side of life you will definitely inspire others to do the same.


The key of having positive attitude is believing in yourself.Don't overestimate the task in front of you.Have faith that your qualities are going to take you a long way.Don't have regrets for the qualities or features you don't possess.Instead,try to concentrate on the jobs you are good with and nurture them.
You can go for yoga,meditation etc.if you lack concentration.
Positive attitude,if followed religiously,pays a lot in the long run.All the best:)


A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.

Developing a positive attitude that will lead you to happiness and success:

- Choose to be happy.

- Look at the bright side of life.

- Choose to be and stay optimistic.

- Find reasons to smile more often.

- Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe.

- Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and worries.

- Associate yourself with happy people.

- Read inspiring stories.

- Read inspiring quotes.

- Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you.

- Visualize only what you want to happen.

- Learn to master your thoughts.

- Learn concentration and meditation.


The way you think, day in day out, affects all aspects of your life. Learning to listen to your “internal dialogue” will help you recognize your thought patterns and how they may be affecting the way you handle the stressful situations of daily living. Learn about what others have done throughout the history of mankind.

Many people have found that, when they tune in to their internal dialogue, much of it is negative. Thoughts like, “I could never do that” and “What if I fail?” can seriously impact the way you behave. This, in turn, affects every aspect of your life.

When we are stressed, certain hormones are produced by the body. When released infrequently, these hormones are harmless but, when produced continuously, they can cause serious damage. Cardiovascular disease is caused in part by the continuous production of stress hormones and by the arterial damage caused by the free radicals created in the process.

Sleep more soundly!
Sleep is absolutely essential to improve and maintain energy levels, immune system effectiveness, mental and emotional clarity and overall quality of life. When you feel good, you function better.

The following tips may prove very useful if you need to sleep better!

Decrease mental activity in the evening.
Make preparations for the next day.
Take a hot bath before bedtime to help relieve stress.
Soothing fragrances, lights, and music may help as well.
Limit activities in bed to sleep and sex only - no reading or television watching.
If you have trouble sleeping, try sleeping in another area of the house.
Try listening to repetitive soothing natural sounds (waves, wind, waterfall, stream, etc.) from a selected high quality sound device.
Natural homeopathic, nutritional and herbal support may prove useful (e.g. calcium, melatonin, passionflower or valerian before bed).
Turn off all the lights.
This last item is particularly important, as melatonin (key hormone involved in sleep/repair cycles) production may be inhibited if you sleep with the lights on.


In all, we can summerize the discussion like this - Believe in yourself. Always imagine a happy ending to everything. Madhvi & Kalyan have provided a number of factors and quotients for a positive life.
We should never underestimate our own worth. Whatever job we take up, let us be convinced about it. This way we will improve our Confidence Level which ultimately brings us cheers or what we call positive attitude in life.


These two words are enough to say about positive attitude.

Reservation is needed or not in INDIA

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:10 PM

Reservation is required by the politicians to get scores of votes. India needed reservation only after independence to brings all the castes in the mainstream. But a reservation for higher study was never needed. If a person from backward class can complete one's schooling without reservation and bias then why one needs to be reserved after that. There can be no school or institute in India where one is stopped entering just because of taking birth in backward classes.

Girish Patil

Reply 1

Girish you wrote very well, i agree with you perfectly. For the upliftment of downtrodden, reservation can be there but no way reservation is justified in the higher education and other similar fronts in India.

Reply 2

Well before we slam the politicians and all let’s look in to the past and observe why was the reservations done in the first place and its present impact.

In the past(before independence) its true that the higher classes enjoyed more benefits - I mean what all the titles like Rai Bahadur, and etc were mean tot create a social unrest which was utilised to its best by the British.

It seems that to reverse things a bit and also appease the SC/ST s reservations were made. Moreover the census of 1932 too showed that the SC/ST s and OBCs were larger in numbers. So it can be said that for general appeasement of masses it was also a political step by the Country makers at that time. Moreover with the proximity to USSR at that time the word "equality" may have sounded different at that time.

Reservations were made not only in castes but also between states at lets keep J & K out of this since it had its own problems to deal with.

If we look into most of the Government PSUs made after independence we would observe that they intentionally kept Maharashtra and West Bengal out of it purview since they were the most developed states during in and around independence. Former being the seat of the commercial capital and the later being the seat of the country's capital in the past. Rather New Delhi being the capital of India only for 96 years whereas Calcutta was the capital from 1772 to 1911 - 139 years.

Now initially there was a time frame for implementing the "social upliftment" - the term coined by all those pro-reservation politicians (may be that includes everyone except Sidhu pajji) now. After that time frame got over it was found that they still lag behind so it was increased and more time was given but it reached its peak with the "Mandal commission".

Now after 60 years of independence if "social upliftment" has not been achieved then it clearly indicates the process thus chosen was wrong. Reservation always meant to deny the deserving from the pie and give it to some who doesn't deserve it. Frankly this whole drama is appeasing the masses but there is a flip side of it. It's this that General Category class is still ahead. It meant that due to competitions for fewer seats the generals are getting better day by day. And they are still ahead despite of all the reservations against merit.

Who is actually benefiting, are the labour class of SC/ST s benefiting? NO!!! The service class is biggest and perhaps the only benefactor. The people whom we meet everybody in our offices, schools, parks, restaurants belonging to this class are "THE" biggest benefactor.

Reservation in my opinion should be made for every one who heralds from a lower economic status for one-time for either govt. jobs or govt. educational institution. Once availed it cannot be used for the next 3 generations and that too after calculating the economic status. This would ensure that it comes to an end one day.

There is another point I would like to make is why did politicians suddenly warmed up for reservations in premier institutions and private firms. Well, during Mandal commission, our present PM Dr. Manmohan Singh did introduce something called "Liberalisation". Credit to him for having such a long-sighted concept, slowly it became apparent in the late nineties early millennium that there aren't sufficient jobs in the government sector and most of them were going after private firms - that meant that reservation in government sector is not that valuable any more. So this is the only way out. But kudos to Private firms and IIMs, IITs and not forget the medical fraternity who has the biggest influence in the social setup who stood up against this "social menace". But above all the Supreme Court who proved time and again that it would not be the part of cheap politics.

Reply 3

It is not needed in the present form. Constitution makers provided reservations for 25 years. Now this has become an unending process due to vote bank politics. In the meantime those who got jobs from the reserved category in the 50s and 60s have their wards well settled and relocated to USA etc. Reservations to the next generation cannot be justified. But there are prominent politicos who want reservations for the next 2000 years - their logic - for the last 2000 years a section of society has been backward. this is staple diet for China to do well. there are thick headed - and no headed persons in society who cant see beyond winning the next election.
50 years is not enough for a social or a academically not exposed backward communities in India to come up and to compete with the thousands of years academically sound communitie(s) which denied the education and kept the education only to them.So why still many most backward classes in India has only the First generation learners compared to the forward community's ratio.It is not the question of vote bank for politicians and they are really in very Right Track in this issue of reservation.

Reply 4

I agree with Sachin and Shampa that this is a mere political proposition and a politician's bread and butter as he can not exist without it - If it is Congress and so called Secular Parties who believe their existence in 'For Quota' stance, its BJP and so called Communal parties who believe their existence in 'Against Quota' stance. But it is just that; I mean non of them do not actually want this Quota System to go. It is a all weather political product that benefits both hues of Indian Politics.

If it is Caste System which is still in existence, hats off to bastard politicians. There is no need to give job on the basis of caste. Let the Government come out with a Quota system purely based of economic condition of person. As Sachin rightly said - Today a wall has emerged among the ST/SC population - Service Class and Labour Class; The former is continuously benefiting, rather unnecessarily and labour class remains where it was 50 years back. So there should be a countrywide stir to force these politicians to rectify their mistake which breeds so many hatre among sections.


Posted by Girish Patil | 10:10 PM

There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved.
If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough.

Love, like truth and beauty, is concrete. Love is not fundamentally a sweet feeling; not, at heart, a matter of sentiment, attachment, or being "drawn toward." Love is active, effective, a matter of making reciprocal and mutually beneficial relation with one's friends and enemies.

it's a human need. spread the love.

Love is Life Love is Passion

Girish Patil

Reply 1

Girish you are true.
Love can make things posible.but sometimes in love if front person is not ready to accept our love offer then evil comes in mind.
That is what nowdays we see in our world.

Reply 2

Yes Girish, you wrote very well.
Love is a sacrifice, love makes a person to be very gud human being. Love spread happiness and happiness only. Only fortunate persons get love and gud human beings spread love.
So one should be fortunate gud human being!

Reply 3

Passion for life: Not my own, but I do have passion for people who have passion for life and I tend to enjoy with them, rejoice with them, and celebrate life with them. I appreciate such people with zest and spunk.
Passion for love: I love such people with passion for life. I love them, not just their body, but their soul, their personality.
Passion for everything: Not everything. Material things only count when they give joy to those I love. In themselves, I could hardly care for things. I can easily throw the most valuable if no one would care about such things.

Reply 4

Love is nothing but to find a freind so that you can share your happiness,desires,sad moments .Second defination is that harmones of the body tends to attract towards opposite sex.This is love in my opinion.

Reply 5

Love is reflection of human emotions and desires. True love depicts life and energy , growth and happiness.
Love can take many forms. As a society we have divided love based on the relationships.
Giving love brings satisfaction and happiness. Sharing love with the deprived ones spreads eternal happiness

Reply 6

yes good. love makes a man to be good person of this world.

what do you think should India attack Pakistan after Mumbai tragic.
I don't think so, because Pakistan isn't the one who attacked us. Attacking Pakistan will lead to a war, and war is not the solution to all this.

What is your opinion?


Reply 1

Yes, an eye for an eye will get us nowhere. It will only create more bloodshed. Peace and harmony are more important than war, no matter that terrorist outfits in Pakistan are involved in attacks on India. Eventually, it is the innocent citizens who will suffer.

Quote of the Day: A crystal-clear plan is waiting right there; just reach out and take it – it’s yours through prayer. ~Author Unknown

Reply 2

Come on Vandana.. Are you very much in this world?
Peace and Harmony... Are you sure today its time to take action with peace and harmony.. we have maintained peace for long may be too long ..thats the reason.. we were happy in our so called peaceful and happy world and outsiders attacked us..

We were talking about peace..they attacked Delhi
We were talking about peace..they attacked Banglore
We were talking about peace..they attacked Ahemdabad
We were talking about peace..they attacked Mumbai

So what do you want now.. let them add one city after another to the list...
Its not time to maintain peace..
Even figting technique like Kung-Fu's first lesson is:

Never use your knowledge to attack someone..Always use it to defend yourself from attacks of others...

Its time to attack...
They showed us their potential.. They have nuclear weapon with them..
So if we maintian peace.. definition of peace will change for ever...

Charge them and attack them... Enough is Enough

Reply 3

yes, Attacking Pakistan will lead to a war, and war is not the solution.Because war leads to many problems than solving the problems.
according to my point of view,its not a great act to commence war on Pakisthan because of Mumbai tragic.

Reply 4

Hi Girish, Attacking Pakistan is not our motive. We have to be more careful in self-defence. We have to strengthen our defence . Talking about peace wont do good when someone attacking you . If required we should be ready for a counter attack .

Reply 5

I also do not support attack on Pakistan but I am in support of strengthen our defence system.
Varun, think about the after effects of the Afganistan attack by America, there were pictures of toddlers who lost their limbs,lost an eye, became deformed etc, crying helplessly. It was horryfying to see those sights.Maybe from a different nation but they are also innocent kids.
My point is how can we, sensible people, commit the same crime by killing innocent people of Pakistan as done by the terrorists. That does not mean I want more terror attacks, but things to be solved diplomatically, creating political pressures, like boycotting Pakistan, treating thm as third degree citizens etc.
A n eye for an eye is no big deal for dealing with such issues. We should use our brains to handle this crisis. How can we, sensible people, become emotionless, animals like the terrorists?

Reply 6

Attacking Pakistan will not solve problems.Many innocent people will lose life.Country is already going thrpugh financial crisis.Central Govt instability, financial crisis- all will increase if we start a war
We should get more support from all over the world & Pakistan should be pressurised to hand over terrorists & stop such activities

Reply 7

Hi vandana,
good topic choosen for discussion. Are you very much in this world?
Peace and Harmony... Are you sure today its time to take action with peace and harmony.. we have maintained peace for long may be too long ..thats the reason.. we were happy in our so called peaceful and happy world and outsiders attacked us..
We were talking about peace..they attacked Delhi,We were talking about peace..they attacked Banglore,We were talking about peace..they attacked Ahemdabad,We were talking about peace..they attacked Mumbai
So what do you want now.. let them add one city after another to the list...
Its not time to maintain peace..
Even figting technique like Kung-Fu's first lesson is:
Never use your knowledge to attack someone..Always use it to defend yourself from attacks of others...
Its time to attack...They showed us their potential.. They have nuclear weapon with them.. So if we maintian peace.. definition of peace will change for ever...
Charge them and attack them... Enough is Enough,, good topic

Reply 8

Friends, just think.. Have you ever thought of slapping somebody for he did some nonsense with you? May be in the second thought you would think otherwise - if he retaliates. So, attacking is no way a wise decision. Let us strengthen ourselves, our internal security so much that nobody can dare to attack us. On offense, there is always a risk of retaliation and the process never ends.
If we are talking about war, this will surely be a blunder on our part. Because, all the peer nations like China and others they want us to do so, so that our envious economic growth would be shattered in their advantage. Today an economically vibrant country garners more respect than a warrior country. So, with the best economy, an insulated border and clean mind politicians we will feel more safe than in a war torn nation.

Reply 9

One of my Muslim friend made a good point about this question. It is not in best interest of India to start war or attack Pakistan on Mumbai terrosit attack. This will take Pakistan forces away from Afghan border trying to fight Al Quaida and Taliban and it will give these extremist freedom to create more trouble elsewhere instead of that let them kill each other why do we want to waste Indian forces effort for the work that Islamic extremist are doing to Pakistan. We should spend our resources in strenghtening our security and defence.

Reply 10

Very good thinking. As we all know world is under Global Economic crisis.So a war will weaken India more .This will be an advantage for other countries other than Pakistan who are the Economic enimies of India. So we should quite now. Let us hope US and UN will make any action .

Reply 11

if we take an action against them then what will be the difference left between us both.its time for us to be united and protect ourselves first.we have to make our country strong.and then start attacking the enimies. even they want the same. they want to create some disturbances between us. and if we really do so they will be the successors.what are they really trying to prove by doing so.
better we learn how to defend ourselves first.
we are proud to be INDIANS. a country resembling peace.
if they really want to see the second side of our country " the dangerous side" which will teach them a lesson then we will definetly. i mean if they dont stop causing terror in our country.

Reply 12

We must never attack Pakistan or any neighbour country on these basis of terror, we must first fight with corruption in our country, we must first fight with in house terrorist, Every public has to understand his power of vote, his power to right of Information, The main cause of corruption the politicians, who make situation to divide indians in different ways, like, state, language, religion,
we must first strength our boundaries, our home to fight against our neighbour,
It is not fair to attack or fight without any reason like a child

Reply 13

Isn't that really a sudden rage or reflex. Why should we attack Pakistan? Did Pakistan really did it? Is there any way we can prove it?
Humans are gifted with different attributes to tackle down problems?
Why destroy our own GOOD COLORS for bad?
That isn't a good way to stop terrorism. We can always remain in safer hands and usher problems into good talks?
Waging war against one country may give way to ALL the countries and obviously THIRD WORLD WAR will be fought with stones for NOW the ammunition are not that useless bullets, they are nuclear powers which can annihilate the size of earth thrice. Do you want that to happen or do you want it to happen in other way round where peace in always the ULTIMATE CONCERN. Let us not allow Government to take abrupt decisions and we are sure we are only going to do this rubbish over the net and at the batlle, let 'JAWAANS' toil between life and death. The consequences of this war will be real UNFATHOMABLE DESTRUCTION.
And India is most probably initiating ANTI-TERRORIST COMMANDOS(If I can know about it?)
Let the mother nature be in bliss, PLEASE!!!

Reply 14

I strongly agree with Varun Sharma. This is not blood for blood. This just to show our strength and our strategy aganst terrorrism.
May be present economic conditions are not suitable for WAR. Otherwise defnitely we have to go for a war , and show what we are.
If you want to achive your goal you need a weapon, peace always doesnt solve problems.

Reply 15

India should not attcak Pakistan after the Taj attack. What happened on 26th Nov was unfortunate, but to retaliate by attacking is not the way according to me.
But it does not mean that Pakistan should be spared for it.Some action has to be taken,but I dont know what.Its for our leaders to decided.
Secondly, I believe India at present is not in a position to initiate a war.Already our economy is trembling and to initiate war at this time is not adviseable.
Still something has to be done, one way or the other. India has to teach Pakistan some lesson.
Leaders please wake up and do something.

Reply 16

i also agree with you.if india will attack pakistan it will lead to
war.we can solve this problem using peace only

Reply 17

It seems majority of us think that war is not the solution at this point of time, instead we should focus more on our defence system and a strong political hold. however, some of us think that it is time to retaliate which is also justified as India has suffered a lot and it is obvious if people wants to retaliate after the massacre.
But do you think it will be beneficial if India alone goes for a war to clean up the terrorist mess?

Reply 18

It seems majority of us think that war is not the solution at this point of time, instead we should focus more on our defence system and a strong political hold. however, some of us think that it is time to retaliate which is also justified as India has suffered a lot and it is obvious if people wants to retaliate after the massacre.But it does not mean that Pakistan should be spared for it.Some action has to be taken,but I dont know what.Its for our leaders to decided.
Secondly, I believe India at present is not in a position to initiate a war.Already our economy is trembling and to initiate war at this time is not adviseable.This is not blood for blood. This just to show our strength and our strategy aganst terrorrism.
May be present economic conditions are not suitable for WAR. Otherwise defnitely we have to go for a war , and show what we are.
If you want to achive your goal you need a weapon, peace always doesnt solve problems.

Still something has to be done, one way or the other. India has to teach Pakistan some lesson

Reply 19

Dear Raghu Ram. K, you have copied the contents written by me, Sidharth Mahajan and Raja Ramesh Varma. Not a single line has been written by yourself. In ISC we all work hard and post our own resources and comments in our own words. These shortcuts are not encouraged in this site.
If you want to share your views, please use your own words and do not copy contents from others.
If your post is reported to the WebMaster, you will loose all your points.

Reply 20

Frens,erase off the scanario of two countries.Place urself as India and ur neighbour as Pakistan and wud you opt for peace talks when the next-door person carries on a killing-spree.Yes you wud,bt how many a times???once,twice or let it be ten times. Will you not lodge a complaint against him(the minimum/least of reactionns).As a matter of fact,we would hardly bear even a small robbery...Then,how do u guys see this as a different one. As Shah Rukh Stated,DO not spit on the faces unless they step foot on ur doorsteps.but if they,then.........The statements on peace talks etc etc etc are all sympathising....EMPATHISE frens,Place urself in that position.put yourself into the shoes of those miserable people..Even in the Bhagvad gita,Lord Krishna has stated,If thr is someone all set to kill you,then it makes no sense to sit beside him,talk to him and explain to him the right and the wrong,RATHER do what you can that would defend yourself.Wake up frens,Peace talks are going to do nothing.And some frens were pointing out that the INNOCENT people of pakistan will be killed,let me ask u onething WHO WERE THE ONES KILLED BRUTALLY IN THIS SOIL?? DONT THEY CONSTITUTE THIS "INNOCENT PEOPLE"??Its purely ABSURD to say Patience will reap.ALl i would say is do not go about intimating,peace talks that this....these r al not gona work.
SECONDLY,I would also go parallel to some comments that said to intensify our security.THATS TRUE.INDEED TRUE.But unfortunately its never going to happen.This is not democracy.RE-DEFINE DEMOCRACY.Each politician roughly has 20 Gundas(minimum) to perform all kinds of attrocities in the name of democracy.Who gave them these many powers??IS THIS NOT INTERNAL TERRORISM and we are all talking about FIGHTING EXTERNAL TERRORISM-WHICH IS TRUELY NOT HAPPENING FRENS.RE-DEFINE DEMOCRACY.
So conclusively i personlly feel that india should react to this unforgivable-act.not necessarily a war,agreed,but that should always be in mind.AFTER-ALL ITS NOT ATTACKING ,IYTS ABOUT SELF-DEFENDING.

Reply 21

i think war is no the solution of this problrm...then what would be the diifference b/w us n them...no doubt they have tried their best to break our integrity n unity...bt did they get succeeed..?no...istead we are geetting more united..
if we attack at them..they would get suuceess in wt they always wanted...india is a peaceful country...its aatack on PAk...will raise the aagressiveness in the muslims in india too..n thats goona effect our countries peace...we can distrupt pak with in few mins..becoz we are more strong than them...bt we will effect our own country...war is not the soluntion of every thing....
let it do what it want...just make urself more stronger n stronger...they agin won't dare to take this step

Reply 22

It is true that we are gradually forced to do the war.

But it is for our shake we are thinking a bit.

1. The Taliban and Pakistan will be united.
2. In war they have nothing to lost, they don't have any thing to be destroyed. They don't have any developed city, or industry. The destruction will be for India, It is true that we will won the battle. But in what price.

3. This is time of economic recession. A war will lead the country into a financial weak situation.

Who is good manager, man or women?

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:02 PM

Hi friends
I start a new gd topic who is good manager, man or woman.
Before giving any conclusion, we should not forget the ability of males as a manager.
I think that manger should have mainly these three main issues:-
1.Manager should have good knowledge of this field.
2. Manager should be a good leader.
3. Last but not least Manager should have ability to initiative.
These all qualities do not depend on sex of a person. Any individual can have these qualities and can be a good manager.

Before discussing, who is a good manager? We shouldn't forget that it basically depends upon the field. There are many fields that are amicable to man and some to women. So man and women both are good manager in their respective field.
Yes, I agree that women also take care of their family but man also done that . Indoor responsibility belongs to a women whereas outdoors to a man.

What are your views towards this topic?

Girish Patil


I think now-a-days there is no much difference between man or woman when it comes to career point of perspective.
We cant really judge who is good manager (ie whether male or female).
Depending upon various situations the effectivity of manager comes out.
A manager is one who has capability of really handling the pressure and see that process goes in a smooth way despite of many exceptions.
?Here no matter whether the manager is man or woman, its his/her capability, ability, character, attitude which will be tested round the corner.
But i think definitely man would have slight bit of advantage here as for the role of manager respective individual has to be a bit rigourous and aggressive enough, these kind of stuff are more in man than in a woman i guess.
Finally it again depends on each and every individual.
Really tough who is good among the both.

I feel that man can play in a managerial place at some points better than women. Women too play but at sometimes they fail from their duty. They very soon become sensitive whatever higher post they are. Psychologically, they are at very minor percentage lacking, of leading such high posts. Till they are in lower levels, they can go with ease, and feel they can do much better than a man. But once they come to that level, they themselves loose temper, and become tense soon. And other than that they possess very high qualities of thinking equal to men. To talk it might be easy saying women can perform all headed levels, but when coming real, they do really lack some points which is the important factor of that post.

In opinion men can play the role better than women.

Software Vs core jobs

Posted by Girish Patil | 10:02 PM

Now a days lots of youngsters are allured towards software because of huge packages, of 78% software companies in market only 7% are Indian origin and rest from abroad. in US man power s costly compared to machine power so they prefer mostly automated types, so they extract from Indian employee because they are cheaper and sharper!!
Due to this boom highly stuff guys of core oriented are diverted to software and thereby creating holes in core fields n r&d dep., this will affect our countries future independent stand on technology.
Moreover working in software causes many premature problems like infertility, stress, and vision dimness!!

So guys and gals is money everything? Awake soon and please suggest your views!!!

Girish Patil

No. For the majority of times, softwares attracts people because of lucrative salary structure and relatively flexible work profile. This has been major driving force for many graduates having degrees in core engineering and medical disciplines. But core jobs are always stable but don't start with as much attracting salary as software jobs does. More over, Indian s/w companies still have to emerge as "Product-based" companies from the current scenario of "Project-based" companies. Since most of the projects come from outside, any problems in outsourcing directly affect jobs here in India. Job security is a big concern in s/w more than in core jobs.

hi Girish
I agree with your point. Most of the youngsters are attracted towards the softwares than core. But you have to consider one important point that Majority of the companies that hire large people in India are Software Companies. As you know that the Software companies are visiting the College Campus and hiring most of the people than the Core Companies and the students also settle in the software companies. Even though they know that the software job is not stable one they are working due to huge package offered by the company.

Well if we go by present form and few last performances, I don’t think he deserves a place in the team. Undoubtedly he has served the Indian cricket sincerely for yers and had been cynosure of Indian cricket team. But now its high time!!! Hardly he had played any innings of character after WC03...this is not the sachin who delived at time of urgency. Whenever team needs him he spends most time in pavilion. His heydays are over. That’s the rule of nature every one has ones days!!!!!!
There are guys who can perform better than him now and are doing the work of carrying bottles!! The great batsman should now make a way for someone who can serve the country now better than him. His innings don’t do anything now but add to his stats.
That’s not expected of a greaty like him!!

Please share your views.

Girish Patil

The palce that Sachin has made for himself in Indian Cricket, Indian Cricket fans..it is very difficult for selectors to ask Sachin to step down.. They can not touch Sachin and Sachin knows it.

It is true that the current performance of the little blaster is on low and he need to give a serious though on his future..
I think after Saurav and Kumble, its turn for Dravid... then VVS Laxman then Sachin..
Dravid will retire by next season ..may be by March.. then Laxman ..So Sachin still have a year to play.. and if he perform well...who knows he can be the member of WC 2011 winner....


Posted by Girish Patil | 9:59 PM

There is only one happiness in life,to love and be loved.
If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough.

Love, like truth and beauty, is concrete. Love is not fundamentally a sweet feeling; not, at heart, a matter of sentiment, attachment, or being "drawn toward." Love is active, effective, a matter of making reciprocal and mutually beneficial relation with one's friends and enemies.

it's a human need. spread the love.

Love is Life Love is Passion

Girish Patil

Girish you are true.
Love can make things posible.but sometimes in love if front person is not ready to accept our love offer then evil comes in mind.
That is what nowdays we see in our world.

Yes Girish, you wrote very well.
Love is a sacrifice, love makes a person to be very gud human being. Love spread happiness and happiness only. Only fortunate persons get love and gud human beings spread love.
So one should be fortunate gud human being!


Passion for life: Not my own, but I do have passion for people who have passion for life and I tend to enjoy with them, rejoice with them, and celebrate life with them. I appreciate such people with zest and spunk.
Passion for love: I love such people with passion for life. I love them, not just their body, but their soul, their personality.
Passion for everything: Not everything. Material things only count when they give joy to those I love. In themselves, I could hardly care for things. I can easily throw the most valuable if no one would care about such things.

Love is nothing but to find a freind so that you can share your happiness,desires,sad moments .Second defination is that harmones of the body tends to attract towards opposite sex.This is love in my opinion.

Love is reflection of human emotions and desires. True love depicts life and energy , growth and happiness.
Love can take many forms. As a society we have divided love based on the relationships.
Giving love brings satisfaction and happiness. Sharing love with the deprived ones spreads eternal happiness

yes good. love makes a man to be good person of this world


Posted by Girish Patil | 9:59 PM

In my opinion foreign investment in India is good because foreign technologies which are very helpful for working in India in every field.
Foreign investment is good for India but at a fix level not for any level. I mean to say that if there is a foreign investment at a very high level do you think Indian companies have the capability to compete against foreign companies???
If there is and investment in India from foreign side is will surely improve our infrastructure and economy as we can see now our SENSEX has reached a level of 20k but you can also see that many companies are unable to even stay in the market against these multinational companies.
In a little bit extent its good and in an another manner its will not be that good for India.

Foreign Investment is good for Companies, but for the employees it is not a good Thing. There will be less Job security in such private companies which have major proportion of shares owned by foreigners.

Let me tell an example that recently occured. In Centurion Bank of Punjab , which was a private bank which had more than 50% investment by foreigners was sold out to HDFC this year. Here everyone benefited other than the employees. Hundreds of people lost jobs in this bank during the merging of the banks. This is what happens in case of foreign investment. Employees will loose jobs and this will decrease the growth of India.

Reservation is needed or not in INDIA

Posted by Girish Patil | 9:59 PM

Reservation is required by the politicians to get scores of votes. India needed reservation only after independence to brings all the castes in the mainstream. But a reservation for higher study was never needed. If a person from backward class can complete one's schooling without reservation and bias then why one needs to be reserved after that. There can be no school or institute in India where one is stopped entering just because of taking birth in backward classes.

Girish you wrote very well, i agree with you perfectly. For the upliftment of downtrodden, reservation can be there but no way reservation is justified in the higher education and other similar fronts in India.

Well before we slam the politicians and all let’s look in to the past and observe why was the reservations done in the first place and its present impact.

In the past(before independence) its true that the higher classes enjoyed more benefits - I mean what all the titles like Rai Bahadur, and etc were mean tot create a social unrest which was utilised to its best by the British.

It seems that to reverse things a bit and also appease the SC/ST s reservations were made. Moreover the census of 1932 too showed that the SC/ST s and OBCs were larger in numbers. So it can be said that for general appeasement of masses it was also a political step by the Country makers at that time. Moreover with the proximity to USSR at that time the word "equality" may have sounded different at that time.

Reservations were made not only in castes but also between states at lets keep J & K out of this since it had its own problems to deal with.

If we look into most of the Government PSUs made after independence we would observe that they intentionally kept Maharashtra and West Bengal out of it purview since they were the most developed states during in and around independence. Former being the seat of the commercial capital and the later being the seat of the country's capital in the past. Rather New Delhi being the capital of India only for 96 years whereas Calcutta was the capital from 1772 to 1911 - 139 years.

Now initially there was a time frame for implementing the "social upliftment" - the term coined by all those pro-reservation politicians (may be that includes everyone except Sidhu pajji) now. After that time frame got over it was found that they still lag behind so it was increased and more time was given but it reached its peak with the "Mandal commission".

Now after 60 years of independence if "social upliftment" has not been achieved then it clearly indicates the process thus chosen was wrong. Reservation always meant to deny the deserving from the pie and give it to some who doesn't deserve it. Frankly this whole drama is appeasing the masses but there is a flip side of it. It's this that General Category class is still ahead. It meant that due to competitions for fewer seats the generals are getting better day by day. And they are still ahead despite of all the reservations against merit.

Who is actually benefiting, are the labour class of SC/ST s benefiting? NO!!! The service class is biggest and perhaps the only benefactor. The people whom we meet everybody in our offices, schools, parks, restaurants belonging to this class are "THE" biggest benefactor.

Reservation in my opinion should be made for every one who heralds from a lower economic status for one-time for either govt. jobs or govt. educational institution. Once availed it cannot be used for the next 3 generations and that too after calculating the economic status. This would ensure that it comes to an end one day.

There is another point I would like to make is why did politicians suddenly warmed up for reservations in premier institutions and private firms. Well, during Mandal commission, our present PM Dr. Manmohan Singh did introduce something called "Liberalisation". Credit to him for having such a long-sighted concept, slowly it became apparent in the late nineties early millennium that there aren't sufficient jobs in the government sector and most of them were going after private firms - that meant that reservation in government sector is not that valuable any more. So this is the only way out. But kudos to Private firms and IIMs, IITs and not forget the medical fraternity who has the biggest influence in the social setup who stood up against this "social menace". But above all the Supreme Court who proved time and again that it would not be the part of cheap politics.

It is not needed in the present form. Constitution makers provided reservations for 25 years. Now this has become an unending process due to vote bank politics. In the meantime those who got jobs from the reserved category in the 50s and 60s have their wards well settled and relocated to USA etc. Reservations to the next generation cannot be justified. But there are prominent politicos who want reservations for the next 2000 years - their logic - for the last 2000 years a section of society has been backward. this is staple diet for China to do well. there are thick headed - and no headed persons in society who cant see beyond winning the next election.
50 years is not enough for a social or a academically not exposed backward communities in India to come up and to compete with the thousands of years academically sound communitie(s) which denied the education and kept the education only to them.So why still many most backward classes in India has only the First generation learners compared to the forward community's ratio.It is not the question of vote bank for politicians and they are really in very Right Track in this issue of reservation

I agree with Sachin and Shampa that this is a mere political proposition and a politician's bread and butter as he can not exist without it - If it is Congress and so called Secular Parties who believe their existence in 'For Quota' stance, its BJP and so called Communal parties who believe their existence in 'Against Quota' stance. But it is just that; I mean non of them do not actually want this Quota System to go. It is a all weather political product that benefits both hues of Indian Politics.

If it is Caste System which is still in existence, hats off to bastard politicians. There is no need to give job on the basis of caste. Let the Government come out with a Quota system purely based of economic condition of person. As Sachin rightly said - Today a wall has emerged among the ST/SC population - Service Class and Labour Class; The former is continuously benefiting, rather unnecessarily and labour class remains where it was 50 years back. So there should be a countrywide stir to force these politicians to rectify their mistake which breeds so many hatre among sections.

Army Vs Navy

Posted by Girish Patil | 9:59 PM

Army and navy both are essential for nation's security. Navy came very late in picture as compared to army. But it proves its significance. By help of navy, we can secure that no body can harm us from sea. While army gives us security that no body can cross its limit at any cost.
What are your views towards Army and Navy.


yes girish you are right, both navy and army are just like two arms of indian defense system. Navy is always in frame but army has most value in citizen mind from the beginning.

In this Globalization, why we should think about any particular culture. I accept that Indian Culture is the best, but we should welcome western culture as well. Not being rigid, but should protect and balance between two difference and should choose the best.
what do you think?

"A man is made up of what he thinks". No scientific evidence are laid to state that a particular culture is appropriate for humans to follow.

The culture of west must be working well in WEST and not EAST. Everything has to fit in exactly to work well. The culture in West is of their fore-fathers and they are following in rapport and none of them has made it. It is 'as it is'. They face with complete different kind of problems unlike ours.

But we should not totally disregard their culture just because it is in WEST. We have to choose the best for ourselves and see that our life improves. There is nothing wrong If something can help you out.
Parties as WEST insist that its for fun and rest. Yes it is. But our parents in India still don't like their daughter or son to walk home late in the night, some parents allow their children so that they experience it and knows to bind within the limits.

Lets see Democracy. India is the best democratic country and yet it had not propounded the Democracy. That's it. The political thoughts of western culture is good and ours best. We are sharing the same system but at the same time maintaining our INDIVIDUAL IDENTITY too.

Central and Eastern European cultural influences concerning artistic, musical, folkloric, ethic and oral traditions. These themes are also intensified by Indian cultures too and did we copy it? No, we did ourselves. That was music.

Globalization and human migration often effects cultures of some country and that is the best part of it as we learn new Ideologies and develop global outlook.

We should foster good attitude to excel as human. 'Breaking the wall' is the generations concept, so that we become better humans.

So lets say that Western culture has its effect in Eastern culture and vice-versa. And culture is no man's monopoly. Amending the bad for good is a sign of good culture.

Different ways to enjoy holidays

Posted by Girish Patil | 9:54 PM

Different ways to enjoy holidays

Hi friends
This new topic on ISC how can we enjoy holidays. Share your experience and ideas here.


Hello Girish.
Hmm. I personally prefer going on a trip with my monkeys for a week or so. Then I love to come back home and have home made food which I really miss when m back in college.

And yea of course internet. I love surfing around heavily during my holidays and try to help others and try to get help from others. Beside that I love doing designing and holidays are the best time for me to do that. Please have a look at the header file @ i333.blogspot.com

I made that in Photoshop. And the most enjoyable part of my holidays is being in my bed for hours. I am a real zombie when I get back home. lol


The following are some of the different ways to enjoy the holidays
1.By spending the whole time with family members by preparing special dishes in home.Give holiday to your wife and prepare all the dishes by yourself.Nothing will give you that much joy....
2.By going to a far off place with family members.
3.By Reading good books
4.By writing your ideas into a book......so on


We can enjoy holidays in many ways:
* Visiting relations
* Shopping
* Tour or excursion
* Learning short term course
* Listening music or movies
* Browsing
* Can meet our friends

If we are very broad minded we can even visit some orphanage or old age home and help them with their needs or offer them some money. This will be really one of the best useful way we can spend holiday i feel. We will surely get a peace of mind and sacrifice among the all above ways.


we can enjoy our holiday in different way it all depend on us because according to our mood we react and answer to the people so in the same i enjoy my holiday my native places is Bangalore so when ever there is holiday i use to go there it is a beautiful city in the world me because people there are so neat and so modern also it is a costlier places compare to any other place in the country.so place remain also cool that makes me feel better and better in life so where i go i have a lot of shopping and visit many places which are so beautiful in nature.


I spend most of my holidays freaking out with my friends but I also like gardening, reading books, playing guitar and listening to music, etc.. and I think you should have some hobbies so that you won't have to kepp thinking what should I do in free times and besides it also gives you soul satisfaction like when I play guitat I do not how fast time flies away.


i like to spend most of my holidays with my friends and family members by going to some far place and some resorts relatives and enjoying spending time with girl friend by going to some pub or some empty place.

Fight against Terrorism

Posted by Girish Patil | 9:54 PM

How an individual can contribute in fighting terrorism? I want real, practical examples. Before suggesting; visualize yourself doing that act.
well , I personally feel that we all should be a little more vigil about the activities going around us. If something smells like a conspiracy. One can contact police !!
moreover, we should show active participation in spread in communal harmony and brotherhood. It may only begin with helping people in minor issues, without any care for there community!!
Also, like police and army personnel we should be more alert and make our reflexes strong as any eventful day approaches, any suspicious person or thing anywhere (buses, platforms, your guests room) should be brought in notice.
But, if some incident happens we should try to minimize effects by offering help and maintaining peace.
Share your ideas here.

Girish Patil

Five Quotes by Nepoleon

Posted by Girish Patil | 9:54 PM

1.Ambition is never content,
even on the summit of greatness

2.Ability is nothing without opportunity.

3.You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war.

4.War is the business of barbarians.

5.Courage is like love; it must have hope to nourish it.

Here are some other quotes of Nepoleon:

When small men attempt great enterprises, they always end by reducing them to the level of their mediocrity.

A leader is a dealer in hope.

A true man hates no one

A revolution can be neither made nor stopped. The only thing that can be done is for one of several of its children to give it a direction by dint of victories

Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.