
Posted by Girish Patil | 7:59 PM

I think Arranged marriage is far better than love marriage. I shall give you a psychological edge to this fact. If a thing pleases your eyes you start liking it then you start loving it and this is where your heart comes into play. Then it is taken over by your mind and you start questioning your heart and mind as to why only this face. In like debate in-between your self the heart is the winner(90%)

Whereas in case of arranged marriage your parents who have seen the world with all views and have experienced the stage which you are into can balance the situations better and can go in details. More over in love marriage what I have seen both the girls and the boy try to put their best foot forward when the love is on as the fear of loosing is there and when it comes to marriage and they start staying together they come to know the complete man or woman and then there are many things which might not be appreciated by each other and there is a sad ending. Where as in arranged marriage a new man/woman is front of you and you have to understand and explore him/her from the very beginning and you are mentally prepared for it so the conflicts are less.

All said and it is the compromising level on the partners which makes a marriage successful weather it is arranged or Love. You have tobe a good swimmer to reach the other end. You yourself a parameter to calculate it.

Reply 1


very beautiful question for this?

Which marriage bound by trust, love its only lost for long time,

which marriage stand by money, artifical love for money, these all without base standing marriage life

husband and wife have no blood relation, but kids have blood relation with parents, but husband and wife no blood relation, only trust can build life long, it is only susstaine,



Reply 2

Lasting marital bliss is neither assured by love marriages nor by arranged marriages. What ensures it are mutual trust

respect and love between the couple.

When the institution of marriage started -the only way a man and woman could be united in wedlock was through the

intervention of the "middle- man" who brought them together. This was considered an "arranged marriage".

the advantages of arranged marriage are:

As a certain degree of compatibility in economic , social and cultural areas is already there, the couple have to concentrate

only on personal adjustments. This too becomes easy as they have the support from their families.

But a wrong combination can be a tragic disaster.

Elderly widowers with grown up children are teamed up with young girls; Strictly brought -up, conservative women are married

to men with ultra modern views; pampered daughters are thrown to the mercy of harridan mothers in law.

Young girls today are wary of arranged marriages. They'd rather choose a mate themselves and be prepared for what's in

store for them. They are perhaps right in their preference, but what they forget to consider is our social set-up, which is not

yet geared for a "love match" tradition.

A love marriage is the perfect way to link your lot with another person. But, it will work just as successfully as an arranged

marriage or perhaps less.

The biggest drawback of a love marriage is the slight cooling of parental support. Very rarely do parents in such cases, bless

the couple. In many homes this can cause a rift between parent and child.

There is no sure -fire formula for marital bliss. Happy marriages don't begin with either love or arranged marriages. Ultimately, the couple has to come up with their own working plan for a successful union.

Whether love awakens before or after is not the point. The essence of it all is that love is necessary and more than that trust

and mutual respect. These are the foundation stones of a good marriage.

Reply 3

Arranged marriage, does not give much control over the selection of one’s future spouse, the family wants to provide their children with protection, security and happiness. However, does this system guarantee their children a happily-ever-after?

Love marriages are ideally based on friendship, respect, familiarity and understanding, unlike arranged marriages in which you marry a stranger with whom you have no history or bond with.

In my opinion, a successful unity between two people requires willingness, compromise, love and dedication. These aspects can be found in either type of marriage.

so for me love before marriage or love after marriage all is one and the same if the "love" factor is sustained ,because that will sustain any marriage

Reply 4

As per you arranged marriages can not guarantee a happy married life then how are you sure that love marriages will.

How does love start? First a person loves the outer appearance of another person and then he slowly comes to know about him. Mostly or I should say 90% of the times when a person is not yet married and is going steady with some one both the partner try to put their best foot forward and when they start to stay together and come to know about the facts and figures at times it is very disheartening and at this stage the misunderstandings start as you are not prepared for it because of the rosy picture created by the other person.

This does not happen in arranged marriages as one is mentally prepared for all the ups and downs, good and bad and the acceptance level increases.

Reply 5

You are totally right girish for a better marriage life they both should have good mutual understanding, actually what happen if we do arrange marriage and our understanding do not match then we start blaming our family but can not live our spouse(some time get divorced or separate) but in case of love marriage we know each other very well before we get married then we start blaming each other and start talking about the bad things about each other and finally get separated or make hell of their life, so in both case mutual understanding is the best thing.

Reply 6

I prefer Arranged Love Marriage.

Before marriage we might be having lots of opinions supporting Love or Arranged Marriage. But when it comes to practicality, (i'm talking about the practical scenario when both are not in a stage to compromise on any issue) both the ways seem to be wrong. Say like, A couple who had love marriage.. will blame each other for their mistake of marrying one another (in an intense situation - which causes distance between eachother internally). In othercase, a couple who had arranged marriage, will blame eachother's parents for bringing them this situation.

Why i took a negative situation to portray the difference is - HOW A COUPLE LEADS THEIR LIFE AT HARD TIMES is the measure of bonding between them. Because, when everything is fine here won' be much of complaints.

That’s why, I prefer Arranged Love Marriage, where the couple are cornered to be more responsible towards each other in hard times. And at the sometime can have parents taking the situations under control.

"Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless."