You all must have heard that positive attitude makes every thing in our life positive. But do you know that it is positively proved in scientific studies and surveys.
Actually what happen is that positive attitude attract positive energy, it create an strong area of positivity around you which saves u from negative energy. And when you think negative then this oral become weak and negativity prevail in our life.
positive energy always help getting positive result.
so always think positive.
Girish Patil
Reply 1
Yes you are 100% sure. Positive thinking is very much important to our life. It totally changes our way of life. When we think positive it happens the same and when we in negative, it happens opposite. When we get positive mind, we can easily take our failures into step of our next victory and this is really the secret of life. Telling is easy, but bringing this aspect of thinking is much difficult in the situation.
Girish Patil,
Can you clear me a thing. I had many times felt like when I plan for something before, for example to do some work in the following days, it will surely end in negative. In this my thinking is not negative. Not only like this, in many situations I felt like when planning before it ends like nothing will happen. I heard this from many saying and advising not to plan before for anything, then it wont happen. Is it really true?
Reply 2
These are a few suggestions so that we have a more positive view of the world.
Steps for looking on the bright side of life.
Don’t listen to your mind’s negative thoughts. The nature of the human mind is to offer worries, anxieties and fears. However how often do these actually come true? The mind can easily exaggerate problems making them appear more serious than they actually are. Our thoughts are also very powerful and will determine our perception of the world
Look for good qualities in people. When dealing with other people, such as friends and families, it is often easy to see their numerous imperfections. If somebody has annoyed or upset you, just try to think of their good qualities. It is by focusing on people’s good qualities that we are able to make progress. When we bring people’s good attributes to the fore we make these qualities stronger and more powerful.
Happiness spreads. Your state of mind and attitude will undoubtedly effect other people. When you can look on the bright side of life you will definitely inspire others to do the same. This will encourage you to do the right thing, as facing a problem with the right attitude is not just good for you, but your friends and colleagues as well.
Reply 3
Yes you are right Shampa Ray Barman, but most of the times I myself had felt like negative thoughts occupying whole of mind than positive. For example when a good thing is to happen, my mind keep on says that it to happen in a wrong way. When riding I mostly feel that I will meet with accident that day. But the fact is nothing happens like that. Full of negativeness. Is it common or some psychological changes? Does it depends on the individual or something like as Girish said some negative energy?
Reply 4
Yes It depends on indivisual attitute,the way he/she think about any thing reflect in his/her behaviour.At some extend each of us have tendency to think negative in different situation.
But If any one has highly affected by negative thinking,they don't take initiative to do somethink and the level of energy he/she puts thats leads to success.
A positive thinking can change any ones life.If you think positive,will take every thing an opportunity,People like these type of person.Each day is new and special for them.
They believe
What One Man Can Do Another Can Do.
They never accept defeate in their Life.
Reply 5
i totally agree with you ,untill and unless you yourself will not belive of achieving something then how will others believe in you.
positive attitude,optimism,self confidence are things which are always talked about ,everyone knows about it but to actually have them is tough and that is the reason why majority is not successfull.
Positive thinking is very much important to our life. It totally changes our way of life. When we think positive it happens the same and when we in negative, it happens opposite. When we get positive mind, we can easily take our failures into step of our next victory and this is really the secret of life. Telling is easy, but bringing this aspect of thinking is much difficult in the situation.Don’t listen to your mind’s negative thoughts. The nature of the human mind is to offer worries, anxieties and fears. However how often do these actually come true? The mind can easily exaggerate problems making them appear more serious than they actually are. Our thoughts are also very powerful and will determine our perception of the world
Look for good qualities in people. When dealing with other people, such as friends and families, it is often easy to see their numerous imperfections. If somebody has annoyed or upset you, just try to think of their good qualities. It is by focusing on people’s good qualities that we are able to make progress. When we bring people’s good attributes to the fore we make these qualities stronger and more powerful.
Happiness spreads. Your state of mind and attitude will undoubtedly effect other people. When you can look on the bright side of life you will definitely inspire others to do the same.
The key of having positive attitude is believing in yourself.Don't overestimate the task in front of you.Have faith that your qualities are going to take you a long way.Don't have regrets for the qualities or features you don't possess.Instead,try to concentrate on the jobs you are good with and nurture them.
You can go for yoga,meditation etc.if you lack concentration.
Positive attitude,if followed religiously,pays a lot in the long run.All the best:)
A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.
Developing a positive attitude that will lead you to happiness and success:
- Choose to be happy.
- Look at the bright side of life.
- Choose to be and stay optimistic.
- Find reasons to smile more often.
- Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe.
- Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and worries.
- Associate yourself with happy people.
- Read inspiring stories.
- Read inspiring quotes.
- Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you.
- Visualize only what you want to happen.
- Learn to master your thoughts.
- Learn concentration and meditation.
The way you think, day in day out, affects all aspects of your life. Learning to listen to your “internal dialogue” will help you recognize your thought patterns and how they may be affecting the way you handle the stressful situations of daily living. Learn about what others have done throughout the history of mankind.
Many people have found that, when they tune in to their internal dialogue, much of it is negative. Thoughts like, “I could never do that” and “What if I fail?” can seriously impact the way you behave. This, in turn, affects every aspect of your life.
When we are stressed, certain hormones are produced by the body. When released infrequently, these hormones are harmless but, when produced continuously, they can cause serious damage. Cardiovascular disease is caused in part by the continuous production of stress hormones and by the arterial damage caused by the free radicals created in the process.
Sleep more soundly!
Sleep is absolutely essential to improve and maintain energy levels, immune system effectiveness, mental and emotional clarity and overall quality of life. When you feel good, you function better.
The following tips may prove very useful if you need to sleep better!
Decrease mental activity in the evening.
Make preparations for the next day.
Take a hot bath before bedtime to help relieve stress.
Soothing fragrances, lights, and music may help as well.
Limit activities in bed to sleep and sex only - no reading or television watching.
If you have trouble sleeping, try sleeping in another area of the house.
Try listening to repetitive soothing natural sounds (waves, wind, waterfall, stream, etc.) from a selected high quality sound device.
Natural homeopathic, nutritional and herbal support may prove useful (e.g. calcium, melatonin, passionflower or valerian before bed).
Turn off all the lights.
This last item is particularly important, as melatonin (key hormone involved in sleep/repair cycles) production may be inhibited if you sleep with the lights on.
In all, we can summerize the discussion like this - Believe in yourself. Always imagine a happy ending to everything. Madhvi & Kalyan have provided a number of factors and quotients for a positive life.
We should never underestimate our own worth. Whatever job we take up, let us be convinced about it. This way we will improve our Confidence Level which ultimately brings us cheers or what we call positive attitude in life.
These two words are enough to say about positive attitude.
Actually what happen is that positive attitude attract positive energy, it create an strong area of positivity around you which saves u from negative energy. And when you think negative then this oral become weak and negativity prevail in our life.
positive energy always help getting positive result.
so always think positive.
Girish Patil
Reply 1
Yes you are 100% sure. Positive thinking is very much important to our life. It totally changes our way of life. When we think positive it happens the same and when we in negative, it happens opposite. When we get positive mind, we can easily take our failures into step of our next victory and this is really the secret of life. Telling is easy, but bringing this aspect of thinking is much difficult in the situation.
Girish Patil,
Can you clear me a thing. I had many times felt like when I plan for something before, for example to do some work in the following days, it will surely end in negative. In this my thinking is not negative. Not only like this, in many situations I felt like when planning before it ends like nothing will happen. I heard this from many saying and advising not to plan before for anything, then it wont happen. Is it really true?
Reply 2
These are a few suggestions so that we have a more positive view of the world.
Steps for looking on the bright side of life.
Don’t listen to your mind’s negative thoughts. The nature of the human mind is to offer worries, anxieties and fears. However how often do these actually come true? The mind can easily exaggerate problems making them appear more serious than they actually are. Our thoughts are also very powerful and will determine our perception of the world
Look for good qualities in people. When dealing with other people, such as friends and families, it is often easy to see their numerous imperfections. If somebody has annoyed or upset you, just try to think of their good qualities. It is by focusing on people’s good qualities that we are able to make progress. When we bring people’s good attributes to the fore we make these qualities stronger and more powerful.
Happiness spreads. Your state of mind and attitude will undoubtedly effect other people. When you can look on the bright side of life you will definitely inspire others to do the same. This will encourage you to do the right thing, as facing a problem with the right attitude is not just good for you, but your friends and colleagues as well.
Reply 3
Yes you are right Shampa Ray Barman, but most of the times I myself had felt like negative thoughts occupying whole of mind than positive. For example when a good thing is to happen, my mind keep on says that it to happen in a wrong way. When riding I mostly feel that I will meet with accident that day. But the fact is nothing happens like that. Full of negativeness. Is it common or some psychological changes? Does it depends on the individual or something like as Girish said some negative energy?
Reply 4
Yes It depends on indivisual attitute,the way he/she think about any thing reflect in his/her behaviour.At some extend each of us have tendency to think negative in different situation.
But If any one has highly affected by negative thinking,they don't take initiative to do somethink and the level of energy he/she puts thats leads to success.
A positive thinking can change any ones life.If you think positive,will take every thing an opportunity,People like these type of person.Each day is new and special for them.
They believe
What One Man Can Do Another Can Do.
They never accept defeate in their Life.
Reply 5
i totally agree with you ,untill and unless you yourself will not belive of achieving something then how will others believe in you.
positive attitude,optimism,self confidence are things which are always talked about ,everyone knows about it but to actually have them is tough and that is the reason why majority is not successfull.
Positive thinking is very much important to our life. It totally changes our way of life. When we think positive it happens the same and when we in negative, it happens opposite. When we get positive mind, we can easily take our failures into step of our next victory and this is really the secret of life. Telling is easy, but bringing this aspect of thinking is much difficult in the situation.Don’t listen to your mind’s negative thoughts. The nature of the human mind is to offer worries, anxieties and fears. However how often do these actually come true? The mind can easily exaggerate problems making them appear more serious than they actually are. Our thoughts are also very powerful and will determine our perception of the world
Look for good qualities in people. When dealing with other people, such as friends and families, it is often easy to see their numerous imperfections. If somebody has annoyed or upset you, just try to think of their good qualities. It is by focusing on people’s good qualities that we are able to make progress. When we bring people’s good attributes to the fore we make these qualities stronger and more powerful.
Happiness spreads. Your state of mind and attitude will undoubtedly effect other people. When you can look on the bright side of life you will definitely inspire others to do the same.
The key of having positive attitude is believing in yourself.Don't overestimate the task in front of you.Have faith that your qualities are going to take you a long way.Don't have regrets for the qualities or features you don't possess.Instead,try to concentrate on the jobs you are good with and nurture them.
You can go for yoga,meditation etc.if you lack concentration.
Positive attitude,if followed religiously,pays a lot in the long run.All the best:)
A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.
Developing a positive attitude that will lead you to happiness and success:
- Choose to be happy.
- Look at the bright side of life.
- Choose to be and stay optimistic.
- Find reasons to smile more often.
- Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe.
- Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and worries.
- Associate yourself with happy people.
- Read inspiring stories.
- Read inspiring quotes.
- Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you.
- Visualize only what you want to happen.
- Learn to master your thoughts.
- Learn concentration and meditation.
The way you think, day in day out, affects all aspects of your life. Learning to listen to your “internal dialogue” will help you recognize your thought patterns and how they may be affecting the way you handle the stressful situations of daily living. Learn about what others have done throughout the history of mankind.
Many people have found that, when they tune in to their internal dialogue, much of it is negative. Thoughts like, “I could never do that” and “What if I fail?” can seriously impact the way you behave. This, in turn, affects every aspect of your life.
When we are stressed, certain hormones are produced by the body. When released infrequently, these hormones are harmless but, when produced continuously, they can cause serious damage. Cardiovascular disease is caused in part by the continuous production of stress hormones and by the arterial damage caused by the free radicals created in the process.
Sleep more soundly!
Sleep is absolutely essential to improve and maintain energy levels, immune system effectiveness, mental and emotional clarity and overall quality of life. When you feel good, you function better.
The following tips may prove very useful if you need to sleep better!
Decrease mental activity in the evening.
Make preparations for the next day.
Take a hot bath before bedtime to help relieve stress.
Soothing fragrances, lights, and music may help as well.
Limit activities in bed to sleep and sex only - no reading or television watching.
If you have trouble sleeping, try sleeping in another area of the house.
Try listening to repetitive soothing natural sounds (waves, wind, waterfall, stream, etc.) from a selected high quality sound device.
Natural homeopathic, nutritional and herbal support may prove useful (e.g. calcium, melatonin, passionflower or valerian before bed).
Turn off all the lights.
This last item is particularly important, as melatonin (key hormone involved in sleep/repair cycles) production may be inhibited if you sleep with the lights on.
In all, we can summerize the discussion like this - Believe in yourself. Always imagine a happy ending to everything. Madhvi & Kalyan have provided a number of factors and quotients for a positive life.
We should never underestimate our own worth. Whatever job we take up, let us be convinced about it. This way we will improve our Confidence Level which ultimately brings us cheers or what we call positive attitude in life.
These two words are enough to say about positive attitude.
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