Politics is the supreme reigning power of the country where important decisions regarding bilateral trade relations, foreign policies, economic decisions etc are made if these important decisions are made by people with no educational background - it can prove to be a disaster for the country.
So I believe entrance test in politics is a must. Please post your opinion.
Reply 1
Already the management of politics thru IAS and IPS has been criminalized by recognition of the caste and communities system in the constitution itself. Such system tacitly accepts the ruthless politics to very low by extending the concept of reservation in almost all walks of life. Only the utilization of slab souchalayas has no reservation system and also service tax exemted. In such a situation even the entrance test for politics will be of another trick to loot hard working Indians
Reply 2
hi Girish,
Very interesting topic, I definitely agree with you that people should go through entrance exams to get the job of ruling the Country.
And we have already seen people with criminal backgrounds and the most corrupted people getting into politics thus misutilising their power for personal needs and ruining the Country.
But my friend, these corrupted and shrewd people will definitely get through such entrance exams by some corrupted way like giving ransoms, creating tension etc.
Reply 3
of course, I didn’t understand why the Indian government not allow only educated people in the politics. There are many illiterate politicians in Indian politics (and generally after sometime while not able to deal with different situations they become corrupt).Thus I will say that Government should make strict rules in the politics.
Reply 4
Hi girish quite interesting topic,
I disagree with your point that there should be written tests for the post of politician in India coz there are also illiterates who aspire to attain the post of ruling the country so that they could understand the pros and cons of needy people and they can act according to it since there are infinite number of peoples striving for basic needs. I also make clear that, not that only illiterate that too poor people can understand the needs of a poor, but educated can also do it but the thing is when written tests are implemented for getting into Indian constitution illiterates cant even enter to appear for election but the literates can however cross the hindrance illegally.....According to my point of view getting the assurance of the candidates appearing for election in Black and White will be good.
This is a nice thought. But if you implemented the entrance test mean in that also they will do politics. And they will be the winner. New canditates cant get into their team. So there is no use to implement entrance test. If your dream came true mean i will be very happy.