Five Quotes by Nepoleon

Posted by Girish Patil | 9:54 PM

1.Ambition is never content,
even on the summit of greatness

2.Ability is nothing without opportunity.

3.You must not fight too often with one enemy, or you will teach him all your art of war.

4.War is the business of barbarians.

5.Courage is like love; it must have hope to nourish it.

Here are some other quotes of Nepoleon:

When small men attempt great enterprises, they always end by reducing them to the level of their mediocrity.

A leader is a dealer in hope.

A true man hates no one

A revolution can be neither made nor stopped. The only thing that can be done is for one of several of its children to give it a direction by dint of victories

Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.

A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.